Table Document: "Addressing the New Human Biotechnologies: A Compendium of Core Values and Principles"

Table Document: "Addressing the New Human Biotechnologies: A Compendium of Core Values and Principles"

The Tarrytown Meetings bring together people whose concerns about the new human biotechnologies are described as being based on core values of social justice, human rights, ecological integrity and the common good.  But are these the only values at the core of our concerns?  And do these compelling but brief phrases fully capture what motivates us?

The opening plenary speakers reflected on the many questions that arise when we consider the nature of core values and principles. Facilitated table discussions followed.

As a resource for this discussion, we compiled the following document, “Addressing the New Human Biotechnologies: A Compendium of Core Values and Principles.” This compendium draws on twenty-five documents – conventions, declarations, legislation, reports, and guidelines – that focus on human biotechnologies and related topics. From these, we have extracted the motivating values and principles they cite.  We invite Tarrytown participants to fill out the "Core Values and Principles" online questionaire.