Presentation - Chamundeeswari Kuppuswamy

Presentation - Chamundeeswari Kuppuswamy


The Development of Pluralistic Legal Frameworks and Non-State Actors' Roles in International Governance

Intractable issues in international bio-law pose major challenges to regulation. The question of stem cell research and therapeutic or research cloning is one example, chimera research may be another. Domestic law interacts with international law and both influence each other in various ways. The development of pluralistic frameworks of law and how to order such pluralism is something I am interested in. Understanding plural frameworks and how rules are operated at the interface of different networks is necessary. The second issue I examined is the role of various bodies other than traditional norm generating agencies that play a role in international regulation, this can be seen from the proceedings of the IBC in its proceedings leading up to the adoption of the 1997 Universal Declaration of the Human Genome and Human Rights. Compliance with human rights has been served strongly through civil society organisations and groups. I explored the role of these non state actors and other groups in creating international bio-law, generating obedience and compliance.