Opening Plenary
Monday 23 July 2012, 1:15pm - 2:50pm

The Tarrytown Meetings bring together people who ground their concerns about new human biotechnologies and related emerging technologies in values of social justice, equality, human rights, ecological integrity and the common good. In the past two Tarrytown Meetings, we have come together to build significant connections and to challenge ourselves to push our work to new depths.

To begin this third working meeting, we will explore the status of our “Tarrytown story.” What have we accomplished as a network to date? What lies ahead? What defines the network that the Tarrytown Meetings initiative has helped bring together? And how do we use the developing “Tarrytown story” to guide our time together over the next three days? 

Plenary presenters and discussants will address these questions, followed by table discussion about what the Tarrytown Meetings mean for the work of individual participants and collaborations, and our goals for the next three days.

Mary Duke Ballroom