Opening plenary: Welcome, reflections on values and principles for a new biopolitics
Monday 25 July 2011, 1:01pm - 2:10pm


The Tarrytown Meetings bring together people who ground their concerns about new human biotechnologies and related emerging technologies in values of social justice, equality, human rights, ecological integrity and the common good. In what ways does this approach differ, conceptually and in practice, from that of conventional bioethics or other approaches to human biotechnology policy and practice?  What additional or alternative values or principles might be at the core of our approach? What benefits are realized, and risks incurred, by seeking to ground efforts at social and policy change in explicit normative values? Three Tarrytown Meeting participants shared their reflections on these challenging topics.  Facilitated table discussion followed; click here for details.  As a resource for this discussion, we compiled the following document, “Addressing the New Human Biotechnologies: A Compendium of Core Values and Principles.”

Documents Related to This Session