Presentation and PowerPoint - James Rusthoven - A Genetics Curriculum for the Churches

Presentation and PowerPoint - James Rusthoven - A Genetics Curriculum for the Churches


A Genetics Curriculum for the Churches
An Educational Tool for Understanding the Ethical and Theological Implications of New Genetic Technologies
Several years ago, a genetics curriculum was developed in the Portland, Oregon area to help
church pastors and parishioners understand the implications of new genetic technologies
on their lives and on society as a whole. Piloted over a two year period among numerous
denominations through Oregon Ecumenical Ministries, the curriculum clearly had potential as
a helpful learning tool. Reviewed two years ago by the Biotechnology Reference Group of the
Canadian Council of Churches, the group consulted with the authors of the curriculum and were
given permission to alter the curriculum and pilot it again but in a Canadian context.
Both the original and the Canadian version use a small group format for presenting and
discussing relevant issues that impact ordinary people in areas as diverse as procreative
technologies and medical therapeutics. The curriculum is composed of five discussion
sessions; in each session are questions on theological and ethical issues which are linked to
a section on the science of genetics. In addition, a glossary explains various terms. The final
version will include an appendix with questions and issues of particular concern for different
In the pilot studies, facilitators were identified from participating congregations of different
denominations. Facilitators were given an introductory session and each one was asked to
assemble a small group of from five to fifteen parishioners, then schedule and lead five sessions
over a three month period. The Canadian pilot phase was recently completed and preliminary
feedback from facilitators and participating parishioners will be reviewed and discussed. Plans
for revising the curriculum and for its future availability will be presented and discussed.