Working Session: Reproductive and Genetic Tourism

Wednesday 28 July 2010
Start Time: 
End Time: 
Session Year: 
Washington Irving Room
Short Description: 

This working session included both information sharing and strategic discussion. Presenters answered questions about the prevalence of cross-border fertility practices including:

  • Between what countries or regions is reproductive tourism occurring?
  • What people and what tissues are traveling?
  • How many people and how much money is involved?
  • What are the “push” and “pull” factors?
  • What practices raise concerns, and of what kinds?
  • What are the similar and distinct concerns related to surrogacy and eggs?
  • What national policies and international agreements exist?

Discussion of strategies for addressing concerns about reproductive tourism included:

  • How can our concerns about reproductive tourism best be framed, including in the media? How can we influence media coverage?
  • What national policies or international conventions offer tools for addressing concerns (e.g., CEDAW)?
  • What other opportunities at the United Nations or other international agencies might be open to us?
  • What interventions might be possible at venues including planned fertility industry trade shows?


Full Description: 

This working session included both information sharing and strategic discussion. Presenters answered questions about the prevalence of cross-border fertility practices including:

  • Between what countries or regions is reproductive tourism occurring?
  • What people and what tissues are traveling?
  • How many people and how much money is involved?
  • What are the “push” and “pull” factors?
  • What practices raise concerns, and of what kinds?
  • What are the similar and distinct concerns related to surrogacy and eggs?
  • What national policies and international agreements exist?

Discussion of strategies for addressing concerns about reproductive tourism included:

  • How can our concerns about reproductive tourism best be framed, including in the media? How can we influence media coverage?
  • What national policies or international conventions offer tools for addressing concerns (e.g., CEDAW)?
  • What other opportunities at the United Nations or other international agencies might be open to us?
  • What interventions might be possible at venues including planned fertility industry trade shows?